Friends - FAQs - Help -


Forums related to machealth help and support questions.

Forums related to machealth help and support questions.


The machealth portal is a great way to connect with peers, colleagues and mentors and there’s a number of ways to do so:

  • Private messages - Members can send private messages via email, activity stream, or profile.
  • Following - Members can track others' activities without requesting friendship.
  • Friendship - Members designate others in the community as friends. Friends have multiple privileges with each other such as private messaging. By default, the friendship relationship also includes following, but you can unfollow a friend to stop activity updates.
  • Status messages - Members create brief messages in the activity stream on their dashboards to communicate activities, ideas, reactions, or status message replies.

You can use as many – or as few- of these tools as you like. How you connect on machealth is entirely up to you.